give\ over

give\ over
1. II
give over at some time the rain will soon give over дождь скоро перестанет /прекратится/ In give over smth. /smth. over/ give over a habit (an attempt, a mode of life, their impossible dreams, etc.) бросить привычку и т. д., отказаться от привычки и т. д.give over, it is time she gave over her pride ей пора бы забыть о своей гордыне
2. XI
1) be given over by smb. he had been given over by the doctors доктора отказались от него/его лечить/
2) be given over to smth., smb. be given over to the administrative offices (to a press section, to spectators, etc.) быть предназначенным /отведенным/ для администрации и т. д.; the pages of the book are given over to descriptions страницы книги посвящены описаниям
3) be given over to smth. the day (the rest of the evening, etc.) was given over to sports and games день и т. д. был полностью посвящен спорту и играм; she was given over to despair она предалась отчаянию; be given over to doing smth., the week was given over to relaxing (to dancing, etc.) неделя была полностью отдана отдыху и т. д.
3. XIV
give over doing smth. give over crying (trying to convince him, making signs to him, etc.) перестать /прекратить/ плакать и т. д.
4. XVI
give over to smth. she gave over to the life of luxury она окунулась в роскошную жизнь
give oneself over to smth. she gave herself over to tears она предалась слезам; give oneself over to doing smth. he gave himself over to drinking (to smoking, to gambling, etc.) он пристрастился к вину и т. д.
6. XXI1
give over smth., smb. /smth., smb. over I to smb., smth. give over the radio set to me (all her property to her son, a package to my keeping, etc.) передать /отдать/ приемник мне и т. д.; give smb. over to the police (to law, etc.) передавать кого-л. в руки полиции и т. д.
7. XXI2
give over smb. /smb. over/ for smth. give smb. over for lost (for dead, etc.) считать кого-л. пропавшим без вести и т. д.

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "give\ over" в других словарях:

  • give over to — To set (a period of time) aside for a particular purpose • • • Main Entry: ↑give * * * give over to [phrasal verb] give (something) over to (someone) 1 : to give (something) to (someone) to have, use, do, etc. She h …   Useful english dictionary

  • give over — index abandon (relinquish), cease, present (make a gift), relinquish Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • give over to — index grant (transfer formally) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • give over — verb Etymology: Middle English given over, from given to give + over transitive verb 1. : to bring to an end : put a stop to : cease, quit …   Useful english dictionary

  • give over — phrasal verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms give over : present tense I/you/we/they give over he/she/it gives over present participle giving over past tense gave over past participle given over British informal to stop doing something You… …   English dictionary

  • give over to — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms give over to : present tense I/you/we/they give over to he/she/it gives over to present participle giving over to past tense gave over to past participle given over to 1) [usually passive] formal to use… …   English dictionary

  • give over — PHRASAL VERB If you tell someone to give over, you are telling them to stop doing something, usually because they are annoying you. [INFORMAL] [V P] Tell him to give over... [V P ing/n] She gave over teasing and grinned at him …   English dictionary

  • give over — v. (colloq.) (BE) (used in the imper.) (G) ( to stop ) give over hitting the child * * * [ gɪv əʊvə] (colloq.) (BE) (used in the imper.) (G) ( to stop ) give over hitting the child …   Combinatory dictionary

  • give over — verb Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. cease 2. entrust 3. a. to yield without restraint or control ; abandon < gave themselves over to laughter > b. to set apart for a particular purpose or us …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • give over Brit. — give over Brit. informal stop doing something. → give …   English new terms dictionary

  • give over to the foe — index betray (lead astray), inform (betray) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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